Historical Developments Of Big Data

 Historical Developments Of Big Data Activity

There has been a lot of historical developments of big data and this has been a thing since well before the year 2000 and i will go over these developments here, starting with before 2000's the concept of handling large volumes of data had been around for decades especially in the research and scientific fields and early management systems aka (DBMS) started to show up and handle larger datasets. Now in the early 2000's the term 'big data' actually started to gain a lot more popularity as a term to describe datasets that were too large and complex for the traditional systems to handle and in the early 2000's an industry analyst named Doug Laney decided to introduce a concept called the 'three V's' volume, velocity and variety and named these as defining characteristics of big data. in the mid 2000's became Google's publication on MapReduce and the development of the Hadoop framework such as the NoSQL databases which were designed to handle diverse data types and there was also an open source computer system called Apache Spark which also gained popularity for faster analytics and in memory processing. In the late 2000's started the expansion of big data technologies as tools beyond Hadoop such as NoSQL databases were made to handle diverse data types. In the 2010's cloud computing services such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google's cloud platform played a big role in making big data technologies a lot more accessible and not only that but in the 2010's Organisations started using and adopting various cloud infrastructure and big data tools. In the current trends (2020's) the integration of big data alongside Artificial intelligence and machine learning continues to grow and Edge computing is also gaining some importance for being able to process data closer to the actual source which reduces any latency and any bandwidth.

Finally in closing, continued advancements in big data technology is obviously very expected with overtime it being easier and more efficient and some Ethical considerations, privacy and security will most likely play a bigger role as data keeps growing.

I got the image from the source: How Big Data Shaped Today's Casino and Why You Should Care - Raving (betravingknows.com)


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